Sysco aims to provide outstanding advice and guidance to ensure all learners can access a wide range of current, information, and varied support making their individualised progression choices.  Our aim is to support learners in making career choices which are commensurate with their aspirations develop their personal employability skills enabling them to maximise their opportunities and meet their potential.

Sysco recognise that we play an important role and have an opportunity to positively impact on our learners’ lives.  We will strive to support all learners to achieve their desired career destinations. It is our intention to embed Careers advice and guidance throughout the learner journey and curriculum, through encompassing career destination and progression into individual training plans and by monitoring the progress towards these goals regularly.
Careers education and information, advice and guidance play a key role in ensuring all individuals, regardless of age, ability or circumstance are fully informed of the range of career opportunities and pathways available to them.  All learners will be supported to maximise the options open to them and are encouraged to make career decisions which will lead to better things, whether that be further study, employment, or even job promotions. 

The Sysco group will provide an embedded programme of Career education and guidance to ensure that the learner journey and the design of the curriculum for each programme area is linked to careers throughout the leaner’s length of stay. Our careers provision is embedded to help people understand the range of opportunities available to them in today’s economy and acquire the skills and qualifications they need to succeed in the workplaces of the future.

The Be More apprenticeship portal has been created thanks to the Metro Mayor’s powers relating to the skills agenda, and brings together apprenticeship opportunities from employers so that prospective apprentices in the Liverpool City Region can find the local information they need in one place.

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