Housing Standards; Sector specific apprenticeship solutions designed for housing professionals
Housing apprenticeships represent a fantastic opportunity to develop talent in the sector and have been developed to meet the needs of housing professionals in both private and affordable housing. They allow housing organisations to build a bespoke programme of training around staff to give them the skills they need to excel in a specific role.
Sysco’s Housing Apprentices benefit from:
- Workshops and taught group sessions
- 121 support from trainers who have extensive experience
- Quarterly reviews with manager or mentor
- The use of the latest technologies to assist in delivery
- CIH Training
- Level 2 English or maths sessions, where appropriate
- Events with guest speakers from your organisation
Facts and Figures
Numbers speak for themselves
Find the Right Qualification
The Housing/Property Management Assistant apprenticeship is for Housing Assistants with roles related to the administrative work needed to support the creation and sustainment of tenancies and leaseholds. This apprenticeship includes a CIH level 2 Certificate in Housing Practice and will help your Housing Assistants to work within a team, prepare service charges, undertake surveys, conduct supervised viewings and negotiations and arrange meetings.
The Housing/Property Management apprenticeship includes a CIH level 3 Certificate in Housing Practice and will help staff to comply with contractual, statutory and legal regulations and approved Codes of Practice in roles such as Housing Officer and Neighbourhood Co-Ordinator. The standard is designed to stretch and challenge staff, helping them to create and sustain successful tenancies in the private and social housing sector.
The Senior Housing/Property Management apprenticeship includes a CIH level 4 Certificate in Housing Practice and will support those individuals who are responsible for managing housing or property related services, complying with contractual, statutory and legal regulations whilst leading a team and responsible for the cost effectiveness and efficiency of their business area. The standard is designed to stretch and challenge staff, with the project demonstrating application of knowledge and skills whilst achieving positive outcomes for the organization and your customers.
CIH Certificate in Housing Apprenticeship Standard
Member of the CIH Associate of ARLA
Funded by the Apprenticeship Levy or Co-Funded Government model
Awarding Organisation
Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH)