Andy Thornton is the HRD Business Partner (Learning & Development) for Merseytravel and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. Sysco have been working with both the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Merseytravel to deliver bespoke Management and Business Administration qualifications.
Sysco are proud to have been working with Merseytravel during 2019 and nominated them as Liverpool City Region Apprentice Employer of the Year at the 2018 LCR Skills Show, an award for which Merseytravel were shortlisted. Sysco got in touch with Andy recently to find out how he has found our service and account management so far…
The account management from Sysco has been excellent. Although we have a several diverse cohorts, Sysco have been consistently responsive to our needs and supportive to our candidates
– Andy Thornton

Q: Hi Andy, what first attracted you to working with Sysco?
A: Merseytravel were aware of Sysco from previous projects and had a positive impression, for apprenticeships Sysco produced the best value for money tender which had a high quality.
Q: How have you found the account management from Sysco’s BDEs?
A: The account management from Sysco has been excellent. Although we have a several diverse cohorts, Sysco have been consistently responsive to our needs and supportive to our candidates
Q: Do you feel like you are kept up to date with your employee’s progress?
A: Yes, Sysco’s reporting is excellent. We regularly receive reports that include attendance, actual progress against anticipated progress, whether there are any problems, and progress towards EPA.
Q: How would you rate the communication from Sysco’s tutors?
A: The communication from Sysco’s tutors is very good. Their flexibility with regards to delivery of the programmes is excellent.
Q: How do apprenticeships benefit your business?
A: Apprenticeships provide qualifications and skills which support succession planning, professional development, personal development and help our business keep up to date with industry trends, technology and professional practices.
Q: Would you recommend Sysco?
A: Yes, we are pleased with their performance and approach